Los Angeles Firm Inc. Magazine July/Aug 2015 | Page 54

ALTER EGO We once explored the psychotic symptoms of being a fashionista within our featured title Obsessive Compulsive Fashionista. This time we address the many versions of oneself. It is evident that a truly passionate model must convey an adorable aura which may or may not be present within that person’s normal personality traits. So, the passion for lights, camera, and attention draws you into the moment, almost becoming the moment itself. It allows you to transform into the role of the characters set fourth. Yes! The truly passionate model has an alter ego because she/he owns the moment. Isn’t it ironic that our inner self drives us to fake moments like these and other’s in life. However, it really doesn’t matter if you fake it. The most important thing is how good you are at faking it. For example, I myself have to access who the people are I am working with on a daily basis and in doing so, I am able to adapt according to any given environment. Some might say I am a chameleon. Therefore, I must adapt to a wide spectrum of not only people, but also countries and language barriers. Yet, a picture is worth a thousand worlds and on many different subjects people can be reached, understood and judged according to pictures they post. A picture is the universal language. A model faces many challenges, particularly when posting things on the internet that are far from who they may actually be offline. With a large percentage of these models either being mothers now or having future plans to become a parent, the things you post now may not necessarily reflect where you are 3 to 5 years from now. Posting on social media is something that should be taken more seriously, consider branding yourself in the most authentic and positive light with your overall goal in mind. Posting only your work from modeling will not solve the problem, but it will chop down the number of people who assume you are someone you are not. Model Denise Toledo WRITTEN BY| DARCELL CARRAWAY http://losangelesfirminc.com/ index/2014/01/08/la-firm-incmagazine-now-hiring-salesreps/ LOS ANGELES FIRM is looking for SOCIAL MEDIA INTERNS HASHTAG SAVVY, TWITTERRIFFIC, BLOG LOVING,LINKEDIN HAVING, INSTAGRAM SENSATIONS. LOS ANGELES INC INC MAGAZINE LOS ANGELES FIRM FIRMMAGAZINE JULY MAY / 2015 2015 / AUG JUNE ALTER EGO