Loquaciousness Fandom Magazine Volume 2, Issue 1 (July 2016) | Page 20

The Digital: ROund One

Hannah to Doctor Who: In the show, the actors eventually leave even though the show continues. This makes room for new cast members, either as the doctor and/or a companion. Do you think this was a good idea for the writers, and why? Is it normally difficult to adapt to a new cast, and how do you think this affects the viewers?

Doctor Who is based on change since it began in 1963 up to now, and it’s success comes from these changes that the writers have cleverly written in since its beginning. Although, often enough there are very emotional instances in the show when the actors/actresses leave the show and it gives the audience a feeling of loss and remorse. Then there’s a sense of renewal and love for the next actor that plays the Doctor or companion due to the character developments, humorous ways, and heroic acts throughout an entire universe.