Loquaciousness Fandom Magazine Volume 1, Issue 9 (April 2016) | Page 22

Hello, Gladers! This is Quilava the Flamethrower, reporting in from the Glade in the center of the Maze! Today I present to you my forty-three chapter long fanfiction, which is based on The Maze Runner! This is the first chapter. I'll give you a little behind the scenes information.

I first started writing this fanfiction in October 2015 on fanfiction.net. I finished twenty-two chapters before I got a private message from a reader in December 2015, telling me about a fanfiction contest that was going on on inkitt.com. I embarked in a long journey, involving copying and pasting the first twenty-two chapters of The Maze Runner-Group B onto this new website. Then I started to write. In January 2016, I finally finished the fanfiction. I won third place in the contest, which was a huge honor, considering that hundreds of stories were submitted, maybe even up to a thousand. I present to you the first chapter of The Maze Runner-Group B.

Amelia woke up in the dark. Metal creaked and clanked, and she could tell she was moving upward. An elevator. She began to panic as the memories drained away from her. She couldn't remember anything specific that she definitely should have remembered-her mom, her dad, her brother, her dog. She knew she had them, but she didn't remember a thing. Except-her name. Amelia. She knew it wasn't her real name, but she didn't know her real name. Her memories-she tried to grasp at them as they fell away, tried to hold on to them and pull them back in, but she failed. She focused on her brother-her older brother, a tall lanky boy about a year or two older than her, with blonde hair and brown eyes, and a pale complexion, reading a passage from a book aloud to her as a black Labrador retriever lay silently next to him, head on his paws. That last image of her older brother slipped away. Giving up, she screamed until her throat was raw and banged on the top and sides of the metal cage. Suddenly, the box screeched to a halt. She stopped her frenzy and stared apprehensively upwards. The doors flew open and light momentarily blinded her.

The maze runner

By Quilava the Flamethrower