Loquaciousness Fandom Magazine Volume 1, Issue 9 (April 2016) | Page 15


Hello, Pokefans! Quilava the Flamethrower cough here, and today I'm cough inter*cough*viewing two of the most famous Pokemon in history...they appeared cough in the first generation, and cough in a few of the movies and cough a lot of cough episodes cough of the anime cough cough. I'm pretty sure you all know who they are, even if you aren't a Pokemaniac...these iconic Pokemon are known throughout cough the world as Koffing and Weezing. Hey cough I didn't say they had to be legendary cough. Ahem-as I was sa*cough cough cough*ying, they're very special cough Pokemon! How*cough*ever, I have to cough stay away from cough them cough because if they come into contact with my flame the whole Lo*cough*ciousness facility will explode cough. I cough cough cough mean Loquaciousness. No, I'm not sick. It's quite, er, smoggy in the basement where Pokemon HQ is located right now! cough Let's get started!

Quilava: Mmmmmm, I don't feel too good. Kind of...woozy. And short of breath.

Koffing: Get on with it, kid. We don't have all day.

Weezing: Yeah, you're lucky we even agreed to come to this little dump!

Quilava: Dump? cough

Weezing: Yeah, dump. This basement is crumby. Why should stars like us be interviewed in this dump?

Koffing: Yeah, kind of like our interviewer....

Koffing and Weezing: Hahaha.......

Quilava: Grrrr....whatever. Although cough the basement is kind of dank. I did request for our own floor like the other fandoms, but*cough*...you know. Older fan*cough*doms like ours are a bit...opp*cough*ressed now. I don't get cough enough votes on our polls on the website either. Like, none*cough*. Oh well! cough I decorated it cough nicely to make do with what we have cough! Do you see those cough Pokemon stickers? Nice, eh? ^_^

Koffing: Um, no.

Quilava :'( ??? Why?

Weezing: Because there are no stickers of us?

Quilava: Well, I couldn'*cough*find any of you....or me!

Weezing: Why would you need one of yourself? One of you's already enough.

Quilava: Why bother finding stickers cough of myself when I already have exactly 601 plushies of Qui*cough*lava cough alone? And 410 Cyndaquil plushies, not cough to mention the 397 cough Typhlosion cough plushies. How have you not noticed them, they're all cough in this room! cough ;)

Koffing: Stop coughing. It's rude.

Weezing*: Yeah, do we make you sick?

Quilava: Well....it's a bit than your fumes that make me cough sick...

Koffing: We don't have to take this! We're out of here! We'll go to some cool interviewer, like the one from the Harry Potter fandom, and be featured in their article!

Koffing and Weezing: leaves

Quilava: Okay, good luck with that. Well, that's it for now, Pokefans! Hope you have a good time with me, and now I'm going to go and take a puff out of my inhaler and gorge myself with Pokepuffs while watching Deathnote! So see you next time, and Pokepeace out! :)

By Quilava the Flamethrower