Loquaciousness Fandom Magazine Volume 1, Issue 9 (April 2016) | Page 12


Hi, Danasaurs and Phillions! I'm Quilava the Flamethrower!

First off, are you going to The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire in the U.S.A.? I am! I'm going to the Costa Mesa show on June 22nd. If you're going, let me know by Twitter(@yepitstiffany), or Google+ (+šŸ”„Quilava the FlamethroweršŸ”„) so that we can meet up! I would love to meet all of our readers and fellow Phans and Internet friends.

And have you caught up with the latest Phandom drama? No? Well.....

Ok here's the story:

La dee da da da, we were all happy little Phans. Some of us shipped Phan, some of us didn't ship Phan, and we were breaking the Internet with PROTIP. PROTIP wasn't too big of a deal at the time. Most people did it for about a week, or just once or twice, as stopped. However, it's been two weeks, and you're still getting PROTIP spammed on YouTube videos that aren't even remotely related to Dan and Phil. Then BAM- Hazel came in and platonically called Phil "babe"

as just friends in their collab video. Then came THAT ATTACK OF THE IMMATURE PHANDOM MEMBERS. People started attacking Hazel online for calling Phil "babe", saying things such as "Only Dan can call him babe, you b*tch!", or "HE'S MINE.", forgetting that any of these Youtubers have feelings and that they're real life people, and that Phan isn't even canon romantically(only bromance). Hazel finally tweeted "Note to self: Never refer to AmazingPhil as "babe" again". And still for immature Phandom members kept attacked her saying things like "You're lucky Dan didn't come to attack you!" That could destroy friendships, but no, they did not have that

"Then BAM- Hazel came in and platonically called Phil "babe"..." -Quilava

By Quilava the Flamethrower