Loquaciousness Fandom Magazine Volume 1, Issue 7 (February 2016) | Page 5

Anyway, for Carter, he is just so loving, so caring of Marlee. Like when they were getting whipped (was it just me who cried at that part?), he was saying how he loved Marlee and how they would get through the whipping together. I think that was so sweet, I loved that but also hated it at the same time. Carter is also hardworking, and very friendly to everybody. With his blue eyes and compelling crooked smile, I think that Carter would be a great choice.

So, who would you pick between Maxon, Aspen, and Carter? Sorry, no poll on the website this time, but seriously, I want to hear your answers, so again, please email who you’d like to [email protected]! Bye lovelies!

P.S. I dunno if there are any fanboys of the Selection, because I guess it's classified as a "girly" book series, but if there is a fanboy out there, good for you! Which lady from the Selection would you like to date? This question is also for the girls who are into girls. Sorry there will be no poll for you awesome readers, but I would still love to hear who you would pick! Again, please send the fandom magazine an email saying your answer, the magazine email is [email protected]! Thanks!

~Kathy/Bob ^3^

"I think that was so sweet, I loved that but also hated it at the same time." -Kathy