Loquaciousness Fandom Magazine Volume 1, Issue 7 (February 2016) | Page 15

Harry Potter

By Artemis


Yes, I am one of those people who ships Snily over Jily. Lily was his first friend, and they kind of grew up as best friends. Snape was himself around her, whereas James changed himself so Lily would like him. I know Snily gets a lot of flack, but siriusly, let people ship what they want to ship.


Bella needs someone to—ah—calm her down, and the only person proven to do that is Voldemort. He's the brains, she's the blow-up-everything, I'll-do-anything-for-you of this little ship. Not saying Voldemort can't blow stuff up, he's just a bit more careful about it.

Other ships I love include Deumbridge, Lucissa, and Hinny. What's your favorite Harry Potter ship?

-Artemis Castellan