Loquaciousness Fandom Magazine Volume 1, Issue 7 (February 2016) | Page 14

In JK Rowling’s amazing story, we see a great many relationships, and many more in the fandom. I'm going to go through some of my favorite Harry Potter ships!


Dramione is one of my favorites. I ship it mainly because it gives Draco a chance to overcome his own past. I think Hermione needs someone smarter than Ron to challenge her as well. I think most of the ship comes from fanfiction, which are probably some of the best out there, if you can find a clean one… Draco Malfoy Redemption Arc really needed over here!


I absolutely LOVE Nuna!!! It's such a sweet ship. You've got the amazingly brave Neville who always stuck out as kind of a clumsy oddball, and Luna, who doesn't really need an explanation. She's a complete oddball, who's also my favorite. It's so sweet, even if just for the movie, how the acted around each other in the end of Deathly Hallows Part Two. I think they can relate as well, Neville having never known his parents that well, and Luna having lost her mother.