Loko FMX Magazine Issue No. 1 | Page 34

FMX continues to bolster its reputation with numerous high profile tours and show concepts. These events are booming across Europe, North and South America and Australia, continents that have developed strong fan bases over the years. One of FMX’s key attractions as a sport is its huge entertainment factor; as a visitor you don’t need to know any names or rules to be astonished by it. There is no wonder why it’s sweeping through the world like wildfire. In order to build a committed and regular fan-base, where you sell out arenas, you need to start out small and gain awareness. FMX 4 Ever has had the opportunity to be the first to entertain crowds in over 30 countries and ride in front of amazing locations from the Egyptian Pyramids to the Horse of Troy in Turkey, to the highest ever FMX show in the world in La Paz Bolivia set at 3.500m above sea level. Every event starts on the white board Photo: Ricky Monti in the office of our rider built company. The first question that comes up is, “how are we going to get there?”. Planning professional events across the world requires a lot of logistics management. Every rider at FMX 4 Ever brings their unique skillset to the table in organizing these events from maintenance of the bikes, welding of the ramps to communication and planning at the HQ. Once everything is prepared, its travel time! Hurray to Red Bull X-Fighters Jam Kuwait city! Travelling with FMX has given me the opportunity to visit places that are not on your typical holiday destinations list. In fact, even if you decided that you want to take your family