LOCAL Houston | The City Guide APRIL 2016 | Page 64

THINGS WE LOVE Life is one big panoramic landscape, and artist STEPHEN WILTSHIRE will be in Houston this month to create a spectacular panorama of the city I love. The five-day project titled Elevate Houston: The Big Picture commences on April 19 and concludes April 23. In one day on one helicopter ride, Wiltshire will observe and take in the city to study the architecture and scenery and the next day he will start working publicly at The Galleria. Seven hours daily will be spent sketching his 3-foot tall by 12-foot wide panorama of Houston – All. From. Memory. If that’s not awe-inspiring, I’m not sure what is. I LOVE Wiltshire’s passion to have found light in his autistic journey. www.stephenwiltshire.co.uk As I work on my spiritual and mental health, I am learning not to be so hard on myself in terms of what I can and can’t do and what is simply not an effective use of my time. Like making homemade breaded chicken nuggets. Sometimes I really just want to buy a bag of the frozen kind that my kids can eat without any kind of carcinogen or additive. (And the fact that I even have to think about that really pisses me off but that’s another story.) Luckily, JENNIFER JOHNSON, former chef under organic foods pioneer ALICE WATERS at Chez Panisse, founded Hip Chick Farms which makes farm-to-freezer chicken fingers and all I have to do is go to the grocery store and buy them. www.hipchickfarms.com By Carla Valencia de Martinez 64 L O C A L | april 16