Local Food

BUY LOCAL BUY The Lake County Food System LOCAL Find a Local Farmers Market: maps.lakecountyil.gov/farmersmarket B UY LOC AL : TH E LAKE C O U N T Y F O O D S YST EM WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Local food systems offer many economic, environmental, and quality-of-life benefits that apply to businesses, residents, and Lake County as a whole. As consumers, residents benefit from having more opportunities to buy fresh produce to cook at home or eat at restaurants. Local entrepreneurs benefit from increased business opportunities, and our county as a whole benefits from stronger, more diverse local economies. SUPPORTS LOCAL BUSINESS Purchasing food grown, processed, distributed, and sold locally supports our neighbors and helps strengthen our local economies by employing people, generating income, and circulating dollars within our county. Every dollar given to a local farmer can be spent at other businesses owned by members of the community. PROVIDES FRESH, HIGH-QUALITY FOOD When produce travels only 10 to 25 miles from farm to table rather than across the country or the world, it takes less time and is much fresher when it arrives. Fruits and vegetables shipped from distant farms can spend up to two weeks in transit, while farmers market produce is often picked just a day or two prior. Minimizing transportation and processing increases the freshness, flavor, and nutrient retention of produce. REDUCES FOOD MILES The distance food travels from farm to plate -- referred to as "food miles" -- affects its impact on the environment. The average food item travels 1,500 miles, compared to the average locally produced item that travels only a fraction of that. Although food miles account for only 11 percent of the food system's greenhouse gas emissions, a reduction of food miles also reduces the impact that rising fuel costs have on food prices. HELPS MANAGE WASTE A food system can also be a waste management technique and energy producer. By promoting a "closed loop" food system, in which every stage of the food system is used as a resource, the region can divert food waste from our landfills. An estimated 41 percent of U.S. food waste goes to landfills, where it takes up space and releases methane. The nutrients lost when food is landfilled could be retained and reused by composting food scraps for use in local food production, home gardens, or landscaping, thereby reducing the need for fertilizers. Additionally, food waste can be integrated into animal feed or converted into renewable energy and fuel. BUILDS SENSE OF COMMUNITY The production and consumption of local foods can create a thriving culture, regional identity, and a sense of community heritage. For example, a Saturday farmers market is more than just a retail outlet to buy food. It also provides a social gathering spot for the community and allows people to meet the farmers who grow their food. Benefits of Buying Local Economic Potential: Keeps Money in the State, Increases Farm Income and Jobs, and Supports Local Business Improved Quality of Life: Provides Fresh, High-Quality Food and Promotes a Sense of Community Helps the Environment: Reduces Food Miles and Gas Emissions, Helps Manage Waste, and Promotes the Preservation of Farmland For more information: www.cmap.illinois.gov/food