LMSS SPHINCTER vol.81 issue 2 SPHINCTER 3 No bleed | Page 3

WHAT IS? providing young people with the practical skills they need to save lives. We have a small but dedicated and hardworking team at Liverpool and we cover a huge amount of ground in Merseyside.We work with youth offending team’s right from Wavertree to the Wirral to St. Helens and our services are increasingly in demand. We don’t lecture and preach StreetDoctors is a national charity at these young people that violence is devoted to teaching young people how wrong and never solves anything; more to save lives. These young people are often than not these young people are specifically young offenders and they carrying weapons not because they have are taught how to save a life if someone a particular inclination to hurt someone but out of a very justifiable fear. What we has been stabbed or is unconscious. Think teaching first aid except a grittier do is engage with them and teach them version, where instead of a room full of how to respond in these terrifying situations, how to help their friends and office workers you teach a room full of family if one of them gets hurt. young people who have often been in these dangerous situations and have At times the sessions are difficult, some young people are blatantly there for a tick the harrowing scars to prove it. box exercise as part of a court order but StreetDoctors was actually born in others actually take a lot away and we Liverpool in 2008 by two medical have had feedback of instances where students who were giving first aid to some actually used the skills we taught local teenagers and were horrified that them to help their friends. The sessions are highly rewarding and we have a real so many of the young people who attended had been or known someone team ethos here at Liverpool. who had been stabbed or shot. Second All new recruits are sent to an all- expenses paid national conference in to only London, Liverpool had (and still Birmingham for the weekend where does) the highest rate of youth violence administration processes such as DBS’ in the UK. Their work spread and spread are completed and you learn how to and now almost every medical school in conduct the sessions, listen to moving the country has a StreetDoctors team What is StreetDoctors? What do you do? Do you go out on the street and tell people you are going to be a doctor? Do you act as a kind of superhero medical help force providing assistance to people on the streets? The answer is no. accounts of parents and relatives who have lost son’s and daughter’s to this senseless violence and have a great night out in Birmingham with the other StreetDoctors teams.We are on a big fundraising drive this year so that we can reach even more young people so if you happen to have a spare £5 then I promise you this is a highly worthy cause to invest it in. Text ‘SDRS05 £5’ to 70070 or you can donate via Facebook on the StreetDoctors page. Natasha Varshney, 3rd year medical student