Living Well With COPD | Page 31

Pursed-Lips Breathing • • Helps you relax • Reduces shortness of breath 1 Helps you get more oxygen into your lungs This technique teaches you how to extend the time you exhale. This allows you to eliminate more carbon dioxide from your body. That makes more room for inhaled oxygen. Pursed-lips breathing is easy to do. It only takes a little practice to master. Diaphragmatic Breathing (Abdominal Breathing) With COPD, trapped air in damaged air sacs often causes the lungs to over-expand. This breathing technique can help reduce shortness of breath. 2 INHALE, COUNT TO 2 PUCKER, EXHALE STEP 1: Relax your neck and shoulder muscles. Breathe in slowly through your nose while counting to 2. STEP 2: Pucker your lips as if you were about to whistle. Breathe out slowly and gently through your lips while counting to 4 or more. Always exhale for longer than you inhale. This allows your lungs to empty more effectively. 1 3 RELAX STEP 1: Get into a comfortable position. Relax your neck and shoulders. 2 INHALE SLOWLY STEP 3: Breathe in slowly through your nose to the count of 2. Feel your stomach push out. Your chest should stay still. 4 HANDS ON BODY STEP 2: Put one hand on your abdomen (stomach). Put one hand on your chest. TIGHTEN STOMACH, EXHALE STEP 4: Tighten your stomach muscles. Breathe out while you count to 4. Feel your stomach muscles tighten. Your chest should stay still. 29