Living Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 12

M A D E I N T H E U. S. A. PEPPERMINT OIL FROM THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Though dōTERRA isn’t digging any wells or building any schools for peppermint farmers in the Pacific Northwest, our Peppermint sourcing is still making an important impact through facilitating family legacies to continue for future generations. Finding Peppermint Peppermint was one of the first five essential oils peppermint in the way it’s supposed to be grown, that dōTERRA offered, along with Lavender, in its natural state, and for a good price. Beyond Lemon, Melaleuca, and Frankincense. But, the that, they were excited that it was also going into journey to find the right Peppermint oil was a the hands of people who will use it for a variety little more complicated. Dozens of samples of of health benefits.” Peppermint essential oil came in, but each was rejected because they didn’t meet dōTERRA’s high quality standard. Eventually, Emily Wright called an old colleague—Dr. Robert Pappas— and asked for his help. He put Emily in contact with growers that he knew were producing superior quality oil and who also cared that their product would be doing good in the world. Emily says, “When we contacted those growers, they got