Living Legacies Issue 1 Volume 1(clone) | Page 18

I have spent many years watching the towns of Salem and Winston flourish. It is apparent to us all that they each have distinct personalities. Salem is the quiet, careful town deeply connected to its religious beginnings. Winston on the other hand, is brash and youthful, and thoroughly unsettled, wild place. Yet despited the differences, they have an important connection to each other.

The citizens of both towns fought during the War to preserve the strength and ingenuity that now makes them great. A decade ago, the towns shared the same challenges, but attempted to maintain a sense of normalcy.

We as citizens often worried if things would ever return to what they once were. For many during those long four years, and even the years hence, education has been the constant amidst the turmoil. Many sacrifices were made during the War, but the fight never took precedence over giving the community a solid education. As I look back, I often wonder how the schools stayed open.

I believe the girls in Salem found their schooling to be their own kind of relief, a