Live Magazine Christmas 2016 ISSUE Live Magazine December 2016 Issue | Page 16

YOUR SAY WHAT DO YOU WANT FO “A job with Gametraders.” - Mikal Mokbel “I would like to have my student debts erased because it is a neverending cycle of anxiety for me.” - Liam Martin “I want my PS3 and just a few of my games returned from the person who stole them.” - Brendyne Conway “I love getting pops from my boys for xmas im always loving things like that from them.” - Barry Peel “The games I’m still dreaming about playing... Shenmue & Chrono Trigger. I have a few on the gaming bucket list that are rare to find these days. I want to play them because they are important in the history of gaming. Unlike movies which you can generally find them again in some way and a format to play them on. Gaming needs to be preserved and I’m happy to play Retro any way I can. - Simon Che Rodriguez “A ps4 virtual head set Omg these things exist! #thefutureishere” - Benny Bukchoy Hall “What i’d want for christmas is more anime figurines and an xbox one with forza horizon 3. #gameon #anime” - Taylor Christiansen “ I want my own Gametraders store for Chistmas! I love the franchise & want to open one with more of a video game focus than the others currently have, even if I have to buy stock from eBay & Play Asia to carry as much video games as possible!” “I’ve got my kids, I’m good. Got the best presents I could ever want!” - Matthew Zessin - Jean-Paul Bartolomei “All I want for Christmas is my self esteem to not be shattered by family interactions and questionings over the holidays...” - TeiJay Jackson “Cards Against Humanity is the best present, and everyone knows why” - Ben Rachow