Live Magazine Christmas 2016 ISSUE Live Magazine December 2016 Issue | Page 157

as you pick your way through the crumbling buildings littered with the corpses of fallen comrades. The attention to detail is commendable and the atmosphere is bolstered by the almost photorealistic quality of the graphics, with DICE squeezing every drop of potential out of the Frostbite engine to make for the most realistic depiction of large scale warfare to date. You’ll often notice little incidental touches that the game won’t draw your eye to but help to serve to flesh out the world. The sound design is similarly accomplished, making for even more immersive battles with dynamic explosion and gunfire effects that’ll almost cause you to instinctively duck for cover, particularly with a decent sound system or set of headphones hooked up. But, as surprisingly decent as the single player portion has turned out, the real meat and potatoes of any Battlefield game is its multiplayer, and I’m glad to announce that Battlefield 1 is pretty much free of the many netcode and myriad of other issues that plagued the launch of 4. Throughout my time with the online component I’ve not encountered any connection issues or loss of progression glitches and, without exception, every match I’ve jumped into has been smooth and lag free. The biggest addition to multiplayer is the aforementioned “Operations” mode and, boy, is it a doozy. Each team attempts to capture a sector by simultaneously holding two points, forcing the other team to retreat to another sector of the map; it’s a complex and exhausting battle of attrition as each side push against each other, making that eventual victory all the more satisfying. The tide of war can turn on a dime and it feels like you’re actually waging a concerted battle, added all the more weight due to the history that comes attached to the maps. War Pigeons is the other new mode and it plays out almost exactly as it sounds – you hunt down pigeons. Each much would descend into chaotic hilarity and makes for a nice change from the more traditional gameplay modes. At launch players also get access to the tried and true Conquest, Rush, Domination and Team Deathmatch modes but it’s the newest additions that make for the most fun this time around. The maps are well designed, for the most part, although spawn points can feel a little off at times, sending you face down in the dirt seconds after hitting the battleground. There are nine maps at the moment, with a tenth to be added via free DLC in December: Fao