Literary Magazine 2015 Literary Force Magazine Vol. 1 | Page 51

“ He ’ s been trying to stop drinking for 6 years .”
“ Dame . Maybe it was him .”
One day Alex had to stay late because of adult school . He got out during twilight . He was walking home from school and he was in complete bliss . He had the girl of his dreams and could not believe it . As he was crossing the bridge he crosses to get to school he stopped and look at how beautiful the sky was . He had his headphones on so he was concealed from the outside world , and he was listening to Beethoven ’ s Moonlight Sonata , it was his favorite . After some pondering he kept walking home . As he came near the end of the bridge he noticed a lady on the other side . She looked behind him with fear , but he did not care , he was too busy thinking of Bella . He glanced at her again and noticed her face was in terror and her mouth wide open . She was yelling but Alex could not hear what she was saying . She pointed behind him and as he turned around he saw a hooded figure point a gun at him . This figure reeked of liquor . He did not recognize him . He quickly took off his headphones and the last words he heard were “ You can ’ t have her ,” and shot Alex in the face . He did not die instantly , however . He bled out from his cheek . As he lay dying , he saw the hooded figure run away . In his last moments , Alex thought of her , and as he looked up at that beautiful sky , so beautiful , he noticed a black bird flying high above . This bird was the last thing he saw ; for some reason , he felt like it was getting closer as his life slipped away . He could die peacefully because he had had her .