Literary Magazine 2015 Literary Force Magazine Vol. 1 | Page 34

If You Bothered To Really Know How I Feel

You ’ re supposed to be there for me . Instead , you make me feel like shit .
Obviously , like many , I was an Oopsie , but that shouldn ’ t change the way
You treat me . Sometimes , when I try to recall my childhood , all I remember
Was the spanking , or the yelling and screaming . The majority of the time , I
Was a good kid . I know I can misbehave , but even when I don ’ t , you mistreat me .
You poke fun at my being overweight , or make fun of my muffin top . You were
Overweight once . Why ? If you don ’ t like something I wear , or like if you do like it ,
You make a statement to make me feel low , so I won ’ t wear it and you will , or you try
To lower my self-esteem , by claiming that I don ’ t look good in this or I ’ m too dark
And fat for that . Shouldn ’ t you at least encourage me to wear what I ’ d like ? If I share
My opinions or thoughts with you , you belittle them , or you tell me that ’ s stupid or try
To shut me down . I don ’ t always have to have the same view on things as you . Sometimes ,
You ignore me . When I tell you about my day or how I feel . I ’ s as if your partner is more
Important than me , as if you asked for me to talk to myself , so you can chat on the phone .
Whenever you ’ re in any bad mood , you take it out on me , or try to ruin my day . You never seem
To try and relax yourself . It ’ s always me . When we ’ re out with your partner , it ’ s as if you ’ re trying
To rub the relationship on my face , as if we were school girls . It makes me uncomfortable , which
Is why I prefer to stay at home . You treat me differently and change moods for the worse as well .