Literary Magazine 2015 Literary Force Magazine Vol. 1 | Page 2




- City of London ...................................... 4-5

-Every Second ......................................... 6-7

-Happy Birthday .................................... 8

- How do I say this.................................. 9

-Little Bird ................................................... 10

-My Could Theory.................................... 11-12

-My Eyes Tell Your Story .................... 13

-Mortal........................................................... 14

- Now its Winter Our Unfinished Story.. 15

-Our Unifinished Story........................ 16- 17

-Purple ......................................................... 18

-Reminiscing............................................. 19

-Shut Up!................................................... 20-21

-The Blood In the Veins..................... 22

-The Love that Died Out.................... 23

-The day I lost My Identity ............. 24

-Use My Thorns As A Warning Laber.... 25

- What She promised ........................ 26-28

-You ......................................................... 29