Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2019 | Page 32

The Seed Winner of the Literary Inspirations Essay Contest Yahia Elboukili T he past 6 months were the hardest in my life. I had big changes—moving to a new country, becoming 100% independent from my family, in a different culture, all at once. It was very tough to adjust and be integrat- ed. I spent the majority of my free time reading new books and trying to learn new things, until I was very lucky and a friend of mine introduced a book to me. It changed my life, it changed the way I see things, the way I live. I learned that life is all about perspectives. Did you know that humans have the same growing process as a Seed? After reading Jon Gordon’s book, it really changed my way of seeing life. His famous book The Seed talks about finding purpose and happiness in life, and how our perspective plays a big role in leading our lives to be a posi- tive or negative being. The main character of the book (Josh) had a hard time in his job and was confused about making the right decision— either stay or quit his work. After going on a trip with his dog Dharma, he met a lot of new people and learned about the 4 stages of life that connect us to the Seed. His story is very energizing and inspiring, and we can all learn from it. Through Josh’s adventure he figured out that there are differ- ent stages of life and that we all connect to it somehow. We all go through the time in our life when we attend school and college, and start learning new things, not only in school but also about life. We figure out that we are getting more responsible and independent. Attending college makes us know what interests us, if we like politics or not, if we want to become lawyers, athletes, etc. That’s what Jon Gordon called in his book as “The Preparation Stage.” He referred to it as the time when we take our first step of understanding life. We learn new skills, and we see what 32 are our strengths and weak- nesses, and where it will take us in life. Of course, there is no timeline for it, because we are all different. Sometimes people figure it out quickly and know what they want to be and what they are good at. And there are others who take longer, trying to understand and look for signs. The second stage, which I consider the most important one, is “The Planting Stage.” When planting a seed we should take into consideration the place and the surrounding. Is the seed going to grow to its fullest? Is this the right place to grow it? Similar to a seed, people are also meant to grow and improve. So we should ask the same questions about us: is this the right place for me to plant myself? Am I going to grow and learn? People usually accept the first job they get no matter what, as long as it will pay the bills. Imagine if you do some- thing you like, and a team you like, would you not be happy?