Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2019 | Page 31

ESL 8 My Literary Inspiration, Yusuf Ma’aty Winner of the Literary Inspirations Essay Contest Mona Mohammed Bakr Hussein and books since the 80s. Many of his books and stories were transferred to movies and TV series and they were acted by famous actors and comedi- ans. What is unique about him and about his style of writing is that Ma’aty simplifies everything no matter how hard the concept is. He could be speaking about religion, loyalty, pov- erty or any social problem, but the way he simpli- fies it and tackles the problem from an ironic per- spective makes people laugh and have fun and yet “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... still understand the essence of the problem. The man who never reads lives only once.” - George R.R. Martin If you have not tried it yourself, it will be hard for you to understand how someone’s words can change your life, your perspective and the way you perceive things around you. Reading takes you to worlds you never knew existed, where you meet people you never thought you would know. I would not be the person I am today if I wasn’t inspired, influenced and greatly affected by the books I have read throughout my life. One of the people who have greatly influenced my character was Yusuf Ma’aty. Matty is a TV pre- senter who presented very serious shows while be- ing a sarcastic writer. He had many novels, articles 31 When I started reading Ma’aty, I was a teenager. I was drawn to his style of writing as he has a very simple and funny style. His sarcastic style of writ- ing taught me that no matter how funny the person is or how simple his/her words are you should nev- er take him/her for granted or underestimate him/ her. It taught me that I should always respect peo- ple and try to understand what they’re truly talking about. It taught me as well that if you want to affect peo- ple’s lives or if you want them to understand some- thing you don’t have to always use big words; sometimes it’s better to use down-to- Earth, day- to-day words that can make a greater influence and help them better understand what you mean.