Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2019 | Page 2

A LETTER FROM THE EDITORIAL TEAM Student Editors: Thi Nhat Nguyen Juan Sepulveda Sandra Dieguez Carlos Rosario School’s literary arts magazine is an original collection of adult basic education student writing and art. This collection came out of an initia- tive to increase student reading and access to high in- terest material in 2008. Our annual publication is pro- duced by a student designer with staff support. This year, the student designer was Joel Jabea, from Cam- eroon, who is a graphic designer and an ESL student. All students are encouraged to submit their best work through a school-wide multilingual campaign, which results in over 300 submissions annually! After rounds of student editor reviews, the student graphic designer collaborates with staff advisors on all aspects of pro- dution, including layout, design, promotion, and dis- tribution. We are proud of In Our Own Words for its contribution to our community of adult learners and for capturing the multicultural adult learner prespec- tive and pride. The mission of In Our Own Words is to provide ac- cessible and high-interest reading material to the adult immigrant community. The magazine celebrates the creative and exceptional work of our students and pro- vides students with an opportunity to give back to the community of adult learners. Head Staff Editor’s Note: In Our Own Words shows the progression in students’ writing skills. Edits in stu- dent writing were made only in the case where errors impeded comprehension. OUR TEAM Joel Jabea Graphic Designer Steven Frets Head Staff Editor, Librarian Erica Sanchez-Vazquez Communications Specialist 2 Fidel Eshetu Editor, Librarian