Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2019 | Page 16

This ESL 3 class came up with posters to show what makes a good classmate and a good student. Good Classmate Good Student - Helps everybody and works with everybody - Is kind and nice - Says “Thank you”and “How can I help you?” - Is friendly - Treats everybody equally - Is respectful - Shares ideas and work - Doesn’t make fun of anybody - Says “I am sorry” - Is patient - Always tries the best - Never cheats on tests - Keeps desk clean - Follows directions - Does homework - Comes to school on time - Comes to school every day - Comes back on time from the break - Doesn’t use cell phone for texting - Practices English outside of the classroom - Has organized binder and pencils - Brings notebooks and books - Works on activities - Visits school library - Pays attention to the lesson - Always sends messages if she/he can’t come to school - Never gives up - Doesn’t sleep in the class - Doesn’t eat food in the classroom 16