Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 18

ENGLISH L E V E L 3 TEA C H ER S : Raslan Moutraji Chenniah Patrick Lisa Walker Yesterday BY EsMERA L DA VILdoso Y esterday, I woke up early and took a shower. I ate my breakfast alone. Then I left to my English school and I arrived late again. After class my boyfriend and I went to a restaurant and ate lunch together, we enjoyed this moment. Later he took me to my work, but one police officer stopped us because my boyfriend crossed the street when the light was red. The police officer gave a ticket to my boyfriend and then we continued to my job. I worked for 7 hours. I left my job at 8:00 pm and went to my sister’s house to visit my parents. We ate dinner together and talked about our day. Finally I took a shower and went to my bed at 12:00. 18 My Plans for CHRISTMAs BY Y EN Y DIAZ I am going to celebrate Christmas with my family. My mom and I are going to cook for the dinner. Then I am going to prepare the party to night . After that, my family and I are going to eat together. Finally, my family is going to drink wine or tequila and I am going to dance all night. Winter Break BY GA L INA A L-MUK H TA A R T his winter I’m going to Dubai to a ski resort. I’m going to shop at the shop center. I will visit the museums in the area. Of course I will try the food, they have so much delicious food. I am sure I will have a good time. What is your plan for winter break?