Lion's Roar April 2019 Lion's Roar | Page 4

Pre-K and Grade 12

Big Y recently donated $5000.00 toward the cost of artificial grass for the preschool play area. Because of this, Preschool and the K-Prep teamed up with the senior class to make thank-you notes for Big Y. The preschoolers drew the pictures, and the big kids wrote words that were dictated to them by the little ones. This generous offer will benefit the preschoolers daily, and it will also be an overall improvement to the play area behind the elementary building. Engaging in service projects like this helps our students develop a habit of thankfulness to God and to others.

Kindergarten and Grade 6

Kindergarten and Grade 6 students are spearheading a joint service project to show that they are thinking of some who might otherwise be overlooked. For three weeks during March, they collected donations from both buildings that are being used to create care packages for parents of oncology patients at Connecticut Children's Medical Center (CCMC). Parents in this situation are often overwhelmed with taking care of their children and transporting them to the many medical procedures they must undergo. These care packages are meant to encourage and support parents at a difficult time. When Kindergarten and Grade 6 last met, the students worked together to make gift tags for the bags and also spent some time praying for the families in this situation. Included in the care packages are toiletry items, cozy socks, and even gift cards to Dunkin Donuts. Many thanks to the families who have donated items. These will be assembled into care packages and delivered to CCMC next month.

Grades 2 and 8

Right now, Christians are one of the most persecuted religious groups on this planet. Every month, 255 Christians are killed, 104 are abducted, 160 detained without trial or are imprisoned, and 66 churches are attacked. In this service project, Grades 2 and 8 took the time to look at the top 50 countries where the most persecution of Christians is taking place, especially the top two: North Korea and Afghanistan. Grades 2 and 8 spent time reading about what is happening to Christians in these countries and praying for our brothers and sisters there. It was a powerful time as we came face-to-face with the incredible grace, mercy and freedoms God shows us here in the United States in comparison to the bondage and struggle of believers in other countries. So, why did we do this? We have to open our eyes to what is taking place around the world to our fellow believers because the Church is bigger than just the Christians in America. We need to do something about it, even if that means "just" getting on our knees to pray for them. That alone is one of the most powerful steps we can take to stop this injustice. We hope all Christians will join in this battle!

APRIL 2019



Paired Grade Service Projects