Link October 2017 Link OCT 2017 | Page 39

feature since 2010,” Ms Bennison said. “Seven years and two audio description trials later, we are no closer to a permanent audio description service. “Audio description in the broadcast reform should be a priority. Failing this, we urge the Department of Communications to use this working group as an opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of Australians who are blind engage with television content - or reform package is an opportunity to or vision impaired by introducing participate in conversations about do so.” regulated audio description.” programs with colleagues, classmates The chief executive officer of or friends. The Australian Blindness Forum, the Australian Communications “It’s time audio description in Consumer Action Network, the said without audio description it Australia caught up with the United Royal Society for the Blind and is impossible for people who are Kingdom, the United States, Canada Vision Australia also support calls for blind or vision impaired to fully and New Zealand, and the broadcast permanent audio description Vision 2020 Australia, Carla Northam, vision and hearing impairment 37