Link Magazine Link 2017-Digital | Page 12

WHAT A DIFFE ACTIVE COMM RENCE A PRO- UNITY MAKES! Educate 7 dynami is a five year- old esta c organ bli ization a new compr i shed, g e n eration sed of who ar of e “Lear n, redefining the professionals lo success. Ear n & Retu ng-standing r n W ” mod e all gain, bu t worki aspire for mo el of n n is just a s vital. g for the greate etary Educate r good by Jane ll 7 ters to c Hills with the was founded help of ontinue her sis- perseve their m ra o They e nce who had r m’s legacy of m ec ear ned ploy this inno ently passed. vative i income dea and high sc to addr ho es vered t ol seniors wh s and inspire hr o alleled ough hardship have perse- opportu s with nities to unpar- pursuit o e annual f higher educ nhance their ati sc commu holarship gala on through nity eve s and other nts. Educate 7 for the is becoming ir comm recogni ze itm sive ph ilosoph ent to progr d y es- partner of esta ships b li s h w i ng minded ith ot he b munity usiness people r like- an le ity cont aders and th d com- ei in with re ually provides r abil- levant t student oo s compet e and ls necessary to s u ever-ev olving la cceed in this ndscape . “As the fo financia under of Edu l assistan ca ce for h te7, it is my families go ig in Braz or ia Co her education al to provide desire t unt to o s provide olicit more co y. Over the ne students and xt rp fu “Persev ll scholarship f orate sponsors five years, I era or to be a ble to come a nce Scholarshi the student w h p resource o receiv ”. I wou e ld like E tance w s the ith ever to the commu d y aspect nity tha ucate7 to be- Educate t pr of t 7 the nex is going to con he college adm ovides assis- t five ye tinue to ission p ars will become be a resource rocess. and ove a house ~ Janell r hold na Hills me.” 12 Link Magazine | 2017 Edition