Link December 2017 Link DEC 2017 | Page 64

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Ben ’ s beard shave for AWEtism 2017

Mentor at the I CAN Network in Melbourne , Ben Carbonaro , set himself a challenge to grow a beard over AWEgust – and raised $ 3,150 shaving it off to raise funds for autism awareness and acceptance . The funds raised by Ben for AWEtism 2017 will help fund the I CAN Network ’ s mentoring programs . In another AWEtism fundraiser , I CAN Network in Sydney ’ s City to Surf team raised over $ 10,000 in this year ’ s popular Sydney fun run . They are pictured below before the run . All up , almost $ 22,000 was raised this year to support the I CAN Network ’ s mission of helping young Australians with Autism find their strengths .

A truly accessible film festival

Nova Employment in Sydney proudly sponsored the 2017 Focus on Ability Short Film Festival . This year there were a record number of 210 entries from 19 countries , with 600 people enjoying the gala night that focused on the ability of people with disability .
Winners are pictured here with NOVA Employment CEO Martin Wren ( centre ) and include international winner John Lawson from the United States of America , and Nova Employment Choice Award winner 18-year-old Blaise Borrer .

Ice Factor Plus

Dignity Party Leader , Kelly Vincent MLC is pictured with Humphrey B Bear at the launch of Ice Factor Plus at Adelaide ’ s IceArena . Ice Factor Plus allows South Australians with disabilities to experience snow and ice activities for free on Tuesdays ( excluding school holidays ).
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