Link April 2019 Link April 2019 | Page 15

ndis Q&A with the NDIA The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) shares with Link some frequently asked questions it has received about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Q. What is SIL? (sharing support staff) in the home A. Supported Independent Living and supports delivered outside of (SIL) is help with and/or supervision the home including activities like support should also be excluded of daily tasks to develop the skills of attending medical appointments, from the SIL quote as these items are an individual to live as independently and support with using transport funded (if the participant is eligible) as possible in the housing option of to participate with community or outside of SIL. their choice. These are the supports informal supports (vehicle costs provided to a participant in their should be excluded). home, regardless of property ownership, and can be in a shared or individual arrangement. Q. What supports/costs are included in SIL? A. SIL reflects the supports delivered to individuals or groups Q. What supports/costs are excluded from SIL? A. Generally, everyday living Q. Under what circumstances should a participant request a plan review? A. If a participant’s support needs have significantly changed, expenses like rent, utilities, and then a participant can request groceries are excluded from SIL. a plan review through a Change Other NDIS funded supports like of Circumstances process. transport, therapy and employment Let us help you maximise your NDIS plan today! When you choose Integra, you’ll get an independent service provider who will give you expert, unbiased support that works to achieve your goals. We help you, your family and carers to have choice and control over your NDIS plan through our Plan Management and Support Coordination services. Get in touch with our friendly team 1800 696 347 Integra is a trading name of Integrated Care Pty Ltd | ABN 62 149 233 634 ndis 15