Link April 2018 Volume 27 Issue 2 | Page 40

feature Succeeding on the spectrum Autism is not the mystery it used to be, writes Dr Michelle Garnett, Clinical Psychologist, Clinic Founder and Director, Minds & Hearts: A Psychology for Autism based in Brisbane. M parent, teach and assist children and teenagers on the autism spectrum. One of the best ways to assist is to gain a solid understanding about how the person with autism learns and thinks, understanding both their challenges and their strengths. Another best way to assist is to approach your relationship with the person on the spectrum ost people now of being human, including level with heart, that is to have an understand that autism of intellect, language ability, attitude that embodies respect, is a brain difference, personality, learning experience curiosity, openness to difference often genetically transmitted, and language and how information and acceptance that a different way where socialising is more difficult coming in from the senses is is not necessarily a defective way. and repetitive behaviour and processed. There are also many These two methods, knowledge and special interests more common. co-occurring conditions, including attitude, or mind and heart, pave the A conservative estimate is that attention deficit disorder, depression, way to success. approximately one in 100 people will anxiety disorders, learning disorders, have autism, across cultures, and men auto-immune disorders and spectrum is uniquely themselves, and outnumber women at approximately movement disorders. needs to be understood that way, two to one. There are many different ‘flavours’ Given such complexity, it is not surprising that many parents, of autism because the condition teachers and health professionals interacts with all the dimensions are ‘tearing their hair out’ trying to While each person on the autism there are some common strengths and challenges within autism. Strengths can include being empathetic, honest, determined, having capacity for hyper focus, an expert on a specific topic, acute hearing, kind and compassionate, forthright, tenacious and persistent. Other strengths can include being a perfectionist, a reliable and loyal friend, good at the arts or information technology, singing in perfect pitch, observant of details that others do not see, exceptional at remembering things other people have forgotten, humorous in a unique way, and liked by adults. Challenges include understanding how to communicate their own Dr Michelle Garnett from Minds & Hearts. 40 autism thoughts and feelings, regulating energy and emotions, starting and maintaining a reciprocal conversation, understanding the