LIMOUSIN TODAY October_LimToday_WEB | Page 48


“ We use Lim-Flex ® bulls on our British-based cows because it allows us to achieve our goal of producing a high percentage of cattle that grade Choice , have higher yielding carcasses , while maintaining feed efficiency and uniformity .” -Erik Roen , Sierra Valley Ranch , California

46 | OCTOBER 2018
Limousin and Lim-Flex ® ( Limousin x Angus hybrid ) deliver to your bottom line .
/ Calving ease & calf vigor / More pounds to sell at weaning / Feed efficiency
/ Tested & proven docility / Cow & bull longevity / Carcass merit
To find out more about how you can profit tomorrow with Limousin or Lim-Flex ® bulls and females , contact a NALF regional manager , Andy Rest or Nathan Smith , or visit www . NALF . org .
North American Limousin Foundation • 303-220-1693 • Limousin @ NALF . org • NALF . org