LIMOUSIN TODAY May_LimToday_WEB | Page 10

Executive Summary Limousin & Lim-Flex Comparison By Mark Anderson, NALF executive director With bull sale season completed for 2019, members faced some adversity, particularly through the Central and Northern Plains, given the severe and extreme weather conditions much of the country experienced this past January and continuing on into the spring. It certainly had an impact on bull sales this spring, with many folks unable to attend sales or hesitant to add to their bull battery given the conditions at home. Other potential buyers were just trying to keep care of their current cattle inventory, along with difficult calving conditions through the harsh conditions and flooding in various states. Many sales reported strong buyer interest through the 8 | MAY 2019 top 70-80% of their potential offering, but many reported that buyers were purchasing fewer bulls compared to previous years given weather conditions they were facing at home. “ discount on color and polled which allows your cattle to be genomically enhanced, versus buying stand alone parentage, color and polled testing for nearly the same price. Contact Alison or Tammy if you have any questions regarding the testing of your cattle. Reporting your high numbered cattle is important but reporting your average and below average cattle is equally important... With the switch to the BOLT cattle evaluation last fall we have fielded a lot of questions regarding the base shifts on a few EPDs. With NALF no longer having two annual turn in dates for getting cattle into the cattle evaluation we have noticed our registrations declining somewhat the past few months. Weather has most likely had an impact on registrations to some degree as well, but we would hope to see the registrations bounce back during the second half of the year. Recording and reporting whole herd data is critical to establishing solid contemporary groups. “ Summer is upon us along with upcoming regional shows and the National Junior Limousin Show & Congress in Springfield, Mo. We hope to see many of you at these events and we are planning on inducting Gene Raymond into the NALF Hall of Fame at the National Junior Show in Mo., during the week- long event. We hope you can attend and are looking forward to Gene’s induction ceremony. Increasingly, buyers are becoming aware of the information that is available to them on genomically enhanced cattle and are wanting to see their potential purchases with enhanced EPDs prior to making a purchase. Given the progeny equivalents that are possible with combining performance data and genomically enhanced EPDs, many are wanting to see the cattle with GE-EPDs before making a financial commitment. Limousin breeders should be looking at the bundle opportunities offered in DNA testing whereas you can purchase a 50k profiler and get free parentage and the bundle Reporting your high numbered cattle is important but reporting your average and below average cattle is equally important to get solid numbers and ratios on your top cattle maximized and enhance your accuracies