LIMOUSIN TODAY Dec:Jan18-19_LimToday_WEB | Page 8

President’s Message Thank You for Your Years of Serivce By Gary Fuchs, NALF president Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each of you. I want to use my space this month to thank your Board of Directors for their year of service to you. I especially want to thank four men that are completing their terms of service. Dexter Edwards, Jim Bob Hendrickson, Austin Hager, and Greg Blaydes will each be retiring from the board after our January annual meeting. We will be losing a lot of tremendous leadership in January as three of these retiring directors are serving on your Executive Committee. To each of you I extend my personal thanks for your dedication and your service. I am including here a few notes on each of these gentlemen for you to consider as you have opportunity to greet them. Dexter Edwards has shown great commitment to the board. For most of his six years, Dexter served on the Executive Committee as treasurer or vice-president and he also has been chairman of the Membership Committee. It is not easy to get from the east side of North Carolina to Denver for meetings. It required much more travel time and planning for Dexter and a lot of effort to deal with connection issues and time of travel available. Dexter has been a dedicated servant for us as Limousin breeders. He has ideas and a vision for the future, plus he is always willing to share those ideas, which is a great characteristic because new ideas cannot be used if they are not shared. Jim Bob Hendrickson has been a wonderful leader during his service. Jim Bob has served as board secretary for many of his six years, 6 | DECEMBER 2018 - JANUARY 2019 he also has been chairman of our NALJA and Show Committees. His dedication to our junior members is second to none. He has been great in his work directing our junior program and their events. Jim Bob has always had something to say to keep the mood of our meeting upbeat. Austin Hager is a great breeder to know and has been an exceptional member of our board. Austin has served on the Executive Board the last two years, first as member at large and now as treasurer. Austin has a special dedication to our breed and expresses a special desire for our breed to grow and increase our commercial viability. His ability to share real world knowledge of the business of breeding cattle and the marketplace has been very valuable to me. Greg Blaydes has served you for three years. Greg has been dedicated in his service and brought us some very good understanding of breed activities in the eastern United States. Greg’s service has been a value for us all. I encourage each of you to give your special thanks to each of these gentlemen. I also thank each member that served on a NALF Committee during 2018. Your service is vital to the functioning of your board and is greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing many of you in Denver for our Annual Meeting and other National Western activities. I