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Marketing when you decided on your goals, so this should allow potential buyers to zero in on the benefits of your genetics. How do you get their attention? Advertising today can include a myriad of avenues, including basic strategies like business cards, ranch logos, and a sign at the end of your driveway, but can also include social media, a website, direct mail brochures, newsletters and sale catalogs. The world is deluged with snippets designed to catch your attention, so you must stand out. Dare to be different. And you are not just advertising your prized yearling bull, but offering yourself, your family and your operation. Even for those who despise the limelight, efforts must be made. Nothing in life is free. Choose the most extroverted and outgoing personality in your family’s operation to attend local and regional events interacting with as many people as possible. Host tours and field days showing off your pride and joy. Send a simple Christmas card with your ranch logo to past buyers. Little things count. On a personal level, connect with previous customers. Visit their farms and follow up on their successes or failures. Ask how you can help them even more in 2019. Show an interest and listen to their questions. Remind them of your herd genetics and qualities as they have likely forgotten the positives they originally 16 | DECEMBER 2018 - JANUARY 2019 purchased. Remember, you are the supposed expert producer, they have other demands of their time and energy, so break down exactly what you can do for them and their herd. When they sell their calf crop at the auction barn, be there and buy them lunch. If you ignore previous customers, they will surely ignore you on your next sale day. Watch for the potential of new sales throughout your region. If you notice friends, neighbors and acquaintances that did not have acceptable results from their last calf crop, offer them your alternative. If you honestly believe in your product, why not share the benefits? Selling a few superior animals along with numerous mediocre cattle can destroy a breeder’s reputation even before it can get a footing. Follow the process of good marketing by choosing and creating a well- documented focused quality product, targeting the correct industry audience, advertising your cattle and your operation, connecting with previous clients working to meet their needs and identifying potential new customers that could benefit from your product. The cycle of production and marketing is essential to profitability for beef cattle seedstock suppliers. So, wipe your well-earned 2018 tears away and look forward to the future with a keen customer service and marketing plan. I