LIMOUSIN TODAY April2019_WEB | Page 24

Management conditioning? Commercial cattle producers need a managed, not pampered, bull with a suitable body condition score. Next, quality producers supply evidence of a comprehensive herd health program ranging from parasite control to preventative vaccinations. If this status cannot be verified, it’s best to continue the search. Buyers must be assured their bull purchase will not introduce disease to their program. Finally, a BSE or breeding soundness exam must be another non-negotiable item with bulls on the seller’s block having passed an exam administered by a licensed veterinarian or trained professional 30- 60 days before the sale. Other items potential sellers and buyers should compare and discuss are the relative merits between bulls through weights, ratios and EPDs. Bulls should be registered to access the benefits of pedigree information and genetic predictors derived from data contributed by the supplier, as it is critical to compare the qualities of bulls in actual data. Breeders should be able to explain the various EPDs, their meaning and potential to the buyer, steering them from antagonistic traits that don’t match desired goals. Considering all that hangs in the balance of the best possible bull purchase, strive for professionalism. Cross the T’s and dot the I’s. Bulk purchase discounts, delivery costs, holding fees and payment process should be arranged and well defined early in the negotiation. Unprepared or nonchalant participants run the risk of entering into vague controversial agreements that are watered down and distorted by obscurity. Rather than blindly ignore negative possibilities, solidify guarantees and the steps a supplier will take to assist and rectify any problems. The reality is that bulls can fail. Feelings of trustworthy bull producers should not be hurt if questions about guarantees are broached, as reputations and finances are at stake. The bond built between bull buyers and sellers can create a special on-going relationship. When both parties are pointed in the same direction with shared versions of overall goals, collaborating and working together, a product capable of making a positive contribution to the beef cattle industry is created. Repeat customers are repeat for a reason and will justify a purchase arrangement by the added peace of mind, knowing the best possible bull has been acquired from a full- service genetic provider who stands behind their product with a history of quality cattle and honest dealings. I