Lighthouse Trails Research Journal VOL. 5 | NO. 6 | Page 12

12 Lighthouse Trails Research Journal
As soon as you — all who know your potentials — can tell this vision on television , you will have begun your real work in the world .— The New Age “ Christ ” 1

On the March 12 , 2017 episode 5 of

Restoring the Shack television series on the TBN Christian television network , Shack author Wm . Paul Young stated it is a “ lie ” to believe that God is “ separate ” from His creation . 2 Invoking a vision that was reputedly given by God to friend and fellow author C . Baxter Kruger , Young described this alleged lie as the “ lie of separation .” But as a former New Ager , I recognized what Young was calling the “ lie of separation ” was in and by itself a lie . What he was teaching had nothing to do with biblical Christianity and everything to do with the false teachings of the New Age / New Spirituality / New World view . In fact , what Young was attempting to convey to countless TBN viewers was the same thing I had been taught and was teaching when I was in the New Age — that there is “ no separation ” between God and creation because God is “ in ” everyone and everything .
But God is not “ in ” everyone and everything . 3
As I read the Bible and came out of the New Age movement and saw through the God- “ in ” -everything deception , I came to understand how our Spiritual Adversary had turned the Bible ’ s 2 Corinthians 6:17 instruction to “ Be ye separate ” into a bold lie that turned the whole notion of biblical separation upside down . Taking the word separation and using it in a wholly unscriptural context , false teachers like Wm . Paul Young are now bringing this New Age “ lie ” about separation and God “ in ” everything into the church through books like The Shack and on television programs like TBN ’ s Restoring the Shack .
THE GOD “ IN ” EVERYTHING HERESY The heretical teaching that God is “ in ” everything and therefore not separate from creation , is the foundational lynchpin of the New Age / New Spirituality / New World religion . 4 Incredibly , this heretical New Age doctrine is taught in The Shack . Wm . Paul Young ’ s “ Jesus ” falsely teaches that God is “ in ” everything when he states , “ God , who is the ground of all being , dwells in , around , and through all things .” 5 Most people reading The Shack do not understand that this statement made by Young ’ s “ Jesus ” is a New Age lie . Yet Young puts this occult saying right in the mouth of his “ Jesus — a false “ Jesus ” who is “ another Jesus ” and not the real Jesus Christ ( 2 Corinthians 11:4 ). Alert Shack readers will note that the word “ Christ ” can not be found anywhere — not even once — in Young ’ s whole Shack story . 6 Inexplicably , the family cat in the story is named Judas 7 but Young ’ s Jesus is never named Christ ! to this emerging worldview of Oneness — God “ in ” everyone and everything — would majorly hinder and ultimately prevent the attainment of this otherwise realizable goal of world peace . The New Age “ God ” and Christ ”— channeling through designated New Age leaders — emphatically stated that the only people who stood in the way of world peace were those who believed in the “ illusion of separation .” Wm . Paul Young , claiming to quote “ God ,” calls it the “ lie of separation .” But what New Age leaders and Wm . Paul Young were teaching about separation was an “ illusion ” and a “ lie .”
DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION The New Age lie about Separation was cunningly devised by the father of lies to isolate , denigrate , and persecute those who believe that God is , in fact , “ separate ” from His creation and is not “ in ” everyone and everything . To not believe that God is “ in ” everyone and everything is to not believe that everything is connected and divine and “ One .” To not believe that God is “ in ” everyone and everything is to not believe in “ Oneness .” To not believe in “ Oneness is to believe in “ the lie of separation .” It is all a very seductive and devilish New Age trap . And the false New Age Antichrist /“ Christ ” warns that — were he to gain world power — the consequences for those who refuse to believe that God is “ in ” everything will be extremely severe .
THE NEW AGE DOCTRINE OF ONENESS Because God was reputedly “ in ” everyone and everything , our New Age teachers taught us that we were all “ One ” and that our “ Oneness ” with God — our union with God — pervaded everyone and everything . We were told that because there was this “ Oneness ,” there was no separation between God and creation . And so it was this concept of “ Oneness ” that singularly expressed our New Age belief in the universal divinity of all things . It seemed very logical . We were all One because we were ONENESS VS . SEPARATION all in union with God because God was Thus , from a New Age perspective , “ Oneness vs . Separation ” juxtaposes two prevail-
“ in ” everyone and everything . We honestly believed that a universal acceptance of this ing but opposing worldviews against each universal teaching would bring universal other . “ Oneness ” is being hailed as the peace . We sensed that humanity was beginning to “ awaken ” and “ shift ” into ac- will produce world peace and a happy hu-
loving and spiritually correct worldview that
cepting this emerging concept of universal manity . Contrarily , separation is described Oneness . We believed if this New Age / as the spiritually incorrect and hateful New Spirituality / New World view was universally embraced , it could save the world . produces a fearful and divided humanity . As
worldview that hinders world peace and
Contrarily , those who refused to subscribe
Continues on next page Volume 5 — No . 6 November / December 2017