LIFT Annual Report 2014: What Matters Most | Page 12

Evolving our program. At LIFT, we are always innovating to provide the best service possible to our Members. This year we intensified our program in three key areas in effort to better help Members lift themselves out of poverty over the long term. 4 to 8 Our volunteer Advocates across the country are deepening their commitment from 4 hours per week to 8 hours per week. 60 to 90 Our Advocates now devote 90 minutes to each meeting. This allows our Members more face time with their Advocates to workshop goals and Advocates are able to better prepare for meetings and document progress. Spotlights We have instituted Spotlight training for our Advocates during their shifts. Spotlights are 15-minute professional development trainings offered every day that help Advocates deliver better member service on topics like re-entry into society after prison and resume writing.