LIFT Annual Report 2013: Building Strong Foundations | Page 12

Ben Harper LIFTs $503,971 In tax returns for LIFT-Boston members LIFT-Boston’s Earned Income Tax Assistance program yielded $503,971 in returns for 309 residents. This is an average of $1,631 per family. Not only is Ben Harper an incredible musician and activist, he is a member of the LIFT National Board of Directors. This year he has represented LIFT across the nation in a big way. Ben represented LIFT while meeting Bill Clinton; he helped LIFT get the word out to his dedicated fans; and he performed and helped LIFT raise over $200,000 in a private show for our Chicago supporters. Challenging Assumptions at Chicago Ideas Week LIFT CEO Kirsten Lodal was a keynote speaker at Chicago Ideas Week. Her talk titled, “Waging a New War on Poverty,” focused on eliminating the stigmas associated with being poor, homeless, or unemployed and set the record straight about what we all need to get through life’s tough times. S E RV I C E R E L AT I O N S H I P S S E N S E O F P O S S I B I L I T Y H DC upLIFTed Lifting Angelenos 600 LIFT-Los Angeles is lifting Angelenos at an extraordinary rate. Since opening its doors [??[?X\?H ? L?Q? S??[??[\?\??\??Y??X\?H ? ??[][?]HY[X?\??[?\?[?XYHY?^[?[??H?]?\??\??X?B?[??\??X???[[?]HH[X[???Z\???\??X?\???Y[X?\???\??Y??HQ? S?[??[\??[??B??X??X\?H ? L???[X??][??????Q??S??\??[??[?\???Y\?H????L XY\??HXY?^?[?H?X]\?H\?????Y?B???? ?\?[?[?H??H? L [?[ZX?XY\??L??Q?STP??T? ? L?????[???XZ?HH??]]?H[\X??H?? ????\Q?Y??[][?]H?YZ??\?H?[X??][????[][?]B?[???[Z]Y[? ????H?YZ?Q? Q???YH?[??B??X?]?]Y\??[Z[?\??[??XK]??[??[??\?K?[?\?X?X][?]?[?????\?Y[X?\??Y???]\?[???\?\??]?\?H?X]?^H??X????H?Y^H?X\???B?Y[X?\?\????K^?Z[YY 8?'?Q?H?\??Y\??[??[??^B?Y?H??H?]\???'B???[??[??\??\[??[??????Q? P????[H?\?H?X??\??[Q???\?Q?8?&\??[][][???]?Y?][??H???X[?\??X?H?\?[K???H??\?????X?\?Y??[?][??H]?[?[???[[??Y\??[\[??[??[??Y\??\[????]?]\?Z?H?X??\???\??X?\?[??\?[?H??\^?\?[K?H\?X?\[??ZY??\?^\?Y[??K8?'x?&]?H?X[H??YH?\?X?X]HH]H?X??Y\?H??\]Y??\?[YKH??Z\?[??[XZ[ ??X?[??Y\???Y???X?H?\?[??\?H?X[??X??\??\?\?HH?\[??\??\?????X[?\?X?H[??]\???[][?]Y\??'B??