LifeGrid Magazine July 2017 | Page 25


July 2017

Life Grid magazine

' Giving Local Business a Global Voice .'

Nancy Mueller - Local Editor


Sit Back , Relax , Chill Out & Enjoy The Ride

by Nancy Mueller

I ’ ve heard it said that when you can make a living doing what you love to do best , you will never have to work a day in your life . I believe this because I love the work that I do . I love what I do , so much , that I could do it all day long – for free ! Here ’ s the thing I learned about doing what you love every single day ; it ’ s important to know when to have fun . Not the kind of fun you have when you are working your business but the kind of fun that gets you out among people , chilling out in your local neighborhood , and making opportunities to put your mind , body and spirit into a different energy with the intention of refueling your tank ! The things that revitalizes and recharges your energy and passion for life !
For me , I love relaxing on the beach . The beach is where I go to meditate , laugh , listen to music , write , create , or just sit in awe of what the Universe has made possible in my life ! This is a time for me ; whether I ’ m spending it alone or with friends , I am in a state of awe . Some of the best advice I ’ ve ever been given is , “ Do what makes you happy !” One of my mentors always tells me , “ do what makes you happy , chill out , have fun and enjoy the ride !” It ’ s as though he ’ s giving me the key to success and happiness with advice that sounds so simple . It ’ s often the simplest things that we tend to make so difficult .
Every single day we make choices in our relationships , our careers , our health , with financial decisions , and even whether or not we ’ re going to be happy ! Most of the time we make our decisions based on habit ( subconsciously ) and this means , more often than not , we ’ re living every day in an unconscious state ( habit ). Living unconsciously is a disempowering way to live . It feels disempowering yet we don ’ t know what to do about it because somewhere in our life we have a belief that life is hard and full of struggles .
I ’ d like to share a gift with you , a gift to help you choose what makes you happy , chill out , have fun and enjoy the ride ! Are you ready ? Here it is , make a list of EVERYTHING that makes you happy ( feel free to add to the list anytime something comes to your mind ) and keep this list in front of you . Every night before you go to bed , look at your list and circle everything you did that day that ’ s on your list . If you ’ re unable to circle most of the things on your list , what can you do tomorrow to do what makes you happy , chill out , have fun and enjoy the ride ? This might sound too easy , and the truth is “ IT IS THAT EASY ”! All you have to do is be willing to chill out and make daily choices that create happiness in your life ! “ Have Fun , Chill Out , Be Happy and Enjoy The Ride !”
LifeGrid ® Local Editor - Long Beach masteringyourbeliefs . com
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