LifeGrid Magazine July 2017 | Page 22


July 2017

Life Grid magazine

' Giving Local Business a Global Voice .' Janie Lin - Local Editor


Intuition is the Voice of your Soul by Janie Lin

Abraham Hicks this morning talk about beliefs , a video I had seen that shares the story of Sylvester Stallone popped into my head . Sylvester was born with some debilitating physical issues , like part of his face being paralysed which contributed to his slurred speech , and flat feet . He had a dream of being an actor and went to New York at the age of 24 , only to find a bunch of closed doors . He wound up sleeping in a bus terminal for three weeks , and then having to sell his dog for $ 25 . At the end of his rope and desperate , he starred in a pornographic film . Later he was at a match watching Muhammad Ali and he got an inspiration for a screenplay . He worked on the script for three days without sleeping . Sylvester was offered $ 350,000 for the script if he didn ’ t act in the film .
Something shifted . Sylvester began refusing what seemed to him like “ big money ” until he found a producer that had him star in the movie . Rocky Balboa was born and Sylvester bought his beloved dog back for $ 15,000 . Rocky was a huge success and Sylvester has become one of the greatest action heroes of all time . I share this with you because , for one …. this was something I didn ’ t know , and it touched my heart . And secondly , desires , dreams , and inspiration all are birthed from your soul …. from the true essence of who you are . We hear people talking about “ burning desires ” to do something or to be something , and we see them walk on a seemingly strange path …... that leads them straight to what they are desiring . What you accomplish has to do with your beliefs as well .
Beliefs are thoughts that you think over and over , and thus make them real . If Sylvester had believed that it would never happen , or even for one minute entertained the notion that maybe he should just give up , his dreams would not have become real . And look at how many hearts have been touched by the Rocky movies . Let ’ s look at some of the others who have done similar things in their lives . Steve Jobs , Apple is huge in society . There are some people that wouldn ’ t know how to function in their daily life without what Steve created . Albert Einstein , he has an amazing story as well . His mother told him that he was kicked out of school because he was too smart for the teachers . Now in our lives in this moment in time his work is ever present . Thomas Edison …. where the heck would we be now without light bulbs ? Imagine that for a second !!
All of these people followed their intuition , and if you ask them they will tell you that ’ s exactly what they did . Intuition is the voice of your soul , which then leads to inspired action ( the voice of your intuition ). Intuition for so long has been also referred to as your gut feeling . With all the shifting and changing in consciousness across the planet , an amazing thing is taking place . Intuition is now becoming a Heart feeling . That ’ s right ! We are now becoming aware that we are actually feeling our intuitions and our desires through our hearts . When your beliefs are fuelled by feelings from your heart , magic is created that has a butterfly effect that changes lives . Creations like LifeGrid Global magazine have been given birth . Our vision and our mission is to give local businesses a global voice . We are an ever evolving network that is expanding moment to moment . We feature heart centered entrepreneurs in our network . What is that exactly ?
It ’ s people who are living and being their passion , functioning from the heart , doing what they love , they are kind and caring to everyone , they are mostly happy , they focus on the success of their business and the success of everyone involved …. and all of this is what fuels their businesses , their life , and who they be in the world . Heart centred people are living and being their passion , they have created their business based on that . Which means that they don ’ t go to work every day …... because it ’ s more like they go play in their business every day . And dare I say ….. the more “ work ” they do , the more fun they have . The more fun they have , the happier they become . The happier they become , the more success they have in their business . It ’ s amazing …. and completely backwards from what the “ reality ” of what being a business owner and an entrepreneur is “ Supposed ” to be .
LifeGrid is the platform that creates a global network and connects businesses , through the hearts of the entrepreneurs so their light can truly shine . Did you know , it will take less than 8,000 people functioning from the heart to change what is currently going on with the planet today ? We are on the leading edge of a new butterfly effect .
Janie Lin
LifeGrid ® Business Relationship Manager & Local Editor - Phoenix janielinsmith . com
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