LifeGrid Magazine April 2017 | Page 18

FEATURED ARTICLES LIFE PROFESSIONALS FROM AROUND THE GLOBE I II I III IV V IV VI VII VIII VII On Behalf of Art Teachers I Apologise ‘Many people will not even listen to the rest of what I say, because they don't think it's for them.’ Recipe ‘ from the genre of what society deems acceptable... ’ Thirty Five Dollars and a Dream ‘I was always one to toe the line, to make the grade, to appease and satisfy the people around me.’ II V VIII By Janie Lin Smith By Janet Brent By Suzan Ozturk III VI By Bronwen Scirotino By Haley J Philips By Pamela Hawkins By Bronwyn Gillespie Listen to your Intuition Explorations in Cafe Culture ‘Growing up in a family where your ‘gifts’ are ‘What I’m talking about is working from considered abnormal and something to be kept quiet...’ coffeeshops and cafes.’ Get Curious with your Life ‘When you’re suddenly faced with nothing but time to look at yourself...‘ By Nesha Zackery Where Do I Get Inspiration ‘My analytical brain goes into over drive and tries ’ Evolution fo a Wordssmith ‘My hungers and desires evolved. But even as I moved ’ LIFEGRID APRIL 2017