Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 83

66 Life Without Conflict that you are worthless, you should just say yes. Questioner : It would provoke me if my wife were to call me worthless. Dadashri : So what is the solution for it? Should you retaliate and call her worthless twice over? And by doing that will your own worthlessness disappear? By retaliating, you ruin your whole day and your meals. Questioner : What is the intention behind all these talks of adjustment? Where do we go from there? Dadashri : The aim is to achieve peace of mind. It is the art of avoiding unhappiness and discord. Learn To Adjust From a Gnani There was a man who used to come home at two in the morning. What he did before he came home is not worthy of discussion. You can figure it out yourself. His whole family was in a dilemma about whether they should reprimand him or not let him in the house. They did not know what to do with him. When the eldest brother tried to confront him, he threatened him saying, “I will not refrain from hurting you.” The family then came to me for a solution. I told them not to say a word to him, because it would make matters worse and if they prevented him from coming home, he would resort to stealing. I told him to let him come and go as he pleased. They were not to tell him what was right and what was wrong, nor were they to harbor any feelings of attachment or abhorrence towards him. On the contrary, they were to have compassion for him. After three or four years, he became a changed man. Today he is extremely helpful in the family business. This world is not worthless; you just need to know how to handle situations. God resides in each person. Everyone has his load cut out, so do not have a dislike towards anyone.