Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 70

Life Without Conflict 53 bound and obliged to do so. You did what was mandatory. You should carry out all your duties. [5] Understanding Brings Radiance To Your Home Life How to Resolve Differences of Opinions A very strange time is coming. There will be storm after storm. Therefore, be vigilant. Just as we have hurricanes and storms in the atmosphere, there will be many natural catastrophes. Human beings will have to face tremendous difficulties. As such, people have so many difficulties in life; everyone is roasting like potatoes in a fire from all directions. People do not understand what they are living for. They have also lost faith in themselves. What can be done now? At home, people have conflicts with their family and do not know how to resolve them. They feel confused and overwhelmed. Questioner : The husband says, “The wife has to compromise. I won’t.” Dadashri : Yes, it means everything has reached the limit. If the husband says he will not compromise, but the wife has to, it means he has reached the end of his limit. A real man will respond in a manner that will please his wife and smooth things over so their train of life can move ahead. But instead, you people hold back your train for days and months on end! That is not acceptable. As long as conflicts continue in the mind of the other person, your difficulties will continue. Therefore, work towards a resolution. Questioner : How can we tell whether the other party has come to a closure but also what if there is harm in it for them? Dadashri : That is not your concern; it is theirs. You do