Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 65

48 Life Without Conflict laughed when his son was born. Therefore, fathers need to be aware of what would become of them if they child were to ever die. Therefore stop rejoicing from today, so that there will be no sorrow. In which previous life were you without children? It is nothing new. Even the cats, the dogs and the animals have children too! Worldly Interaction Should Be Within Normal Limits Maintain normality in everything; maintain love in one eye and sternness in the other. Sternness does not cause as much harm to others as anger does. Sternness is just a show of anger without the hurting of others. I too, had to be stern with my workers and ask them, “Why are you not working?” Certain situations require that you deal with them in a certain manner. You must act according to what the situation calls for. In worldly interactions, an appropriate response is required, depending on the situation. If an appropriate response is lacking, the interaction becomes spoiled. One bank manager told me, “I remain perfectly calm at home. I do not say a word to my wife or my children.” I told him he was the ultimate fool and that he was not worth anything in this world. He thought that Dada would be very happy with him and reward him. The fool! Can there be a reward for this? If your child does something wrong, you have to question why he did it and tell him not to do it again. You have to say it in a make-believe way, as if you mean it (show emotions without being emotional), otherwise he will think whatever he is doing is fine because by not saying anything, you accept his actions. Children fall apart because you do not say anything to them. You have to tell them everything, but it has to be in a ‘dramatic’ manner. You have to sit him down at night and talk to him, explain things to him. Children need to be shaken up a little, now and then. Although they have some good qualities, you