Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 40

Life Without Conflict 23 done if you do not know how to enjoy it? It’s like putting sand in Basmati rice, for which you paid a lot of money. If suffering besieges you, you should say to it, “Why have you come here? I am Dada’s mahatma. You are not to come here, go somewhere else. You have lost your way.” Suffering will go away when you say this. If suffering comes your way, do you have to let it in? You have to tell it to leave. You will not violate your practice of ahimsa by doing so! If you insult suffering and unhappiness, it will go away, but you are too kind to them. You do not have to take your practice of non-violence that far! Questioner : Will suffering not leave through persuasion? Dadashri : No. You cannot pacify it or persuade it. You have to be stern with it. If you try to pacify it, it will oppose you even more and continue to visit you. ‘Varas aho Mahavirana, shurvirata relavajo, Kayar bano na koi di, kashto sada kampavajo.’ “You are the glorious heirs of Lord Mahavir, let courage flow from you all, Never allow even a trace of cowardice, and let difficulties tremble in your presence.” Any suffering or difficulty that crosses your path will tremble at the sight of you and will wonder how it managed to get trapped in your home. These difficulties do not own you. You are their master. How can you be Dada’s mahatma if difficulties do not tremble in your presence? You can say to the difficulties, “Why did only two of you come? Why did five of you not come? I want to pay you all off.” What does our Gnan say? It says that the person who insults you does not know ‘You’ (the Self). You should tell your relative self, “You must have made a mistake. That is why he insulted you. So now remain calm and do not get so excited!” If you do this, your karmic debt will be paid