Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 20

Life Without Conflict 3 awareness is worldly in nature because it is for attaining only worldly happiness. In reality, even that is not correct. Correctness comes only when one learns the art of living. One becomes a doctor or a lawyer and yet he does not learn anything about the art of living. He learns and masters all kinds of arts except for the art of living. This art is learnt by approaching the one who is living his life well. Ask such a person to teach you the art of living. Ask him how you should conduct your life; only then will you learn that art. You need to seek out someone who has mastered this art. Unfortunately, no one seems to understand the need to do so. They have totally discarded the importance of the art of living, haven’t they? Those living around me will learn this art. However, I cannot say that absolutely no one in this world knows this art. If a person learns the art of living completely, his life will be easy but he will definitely need religion along with it. Religion is the base for the art of living and it is a necessity. By religion, here I am referring to the code of conduct as prescribed by God. One need not pursue the path of liberation. You must understand the prescribed commands of whomever you have faith in, be it Lord Mahavir, Lord Krishna or any other God. If you cannot practice all of their directives, then at least practice some. Now if celibacy is one of their directives and you get married, then that would be contradicting their directives. In reality there is no contradiction; all they are saying is that you should adjust to the commandments to the best of your ability. Just because you are not able practice two of their commandments, does that mean you discard them all? What do you think? If you are able to abide by only two of their commandments, it is still more than enough. It is equally important for people to receive a high level