Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 152

Life Without Conflict 135 with straight threads into it? You may ask yourself, ‘Why is the woman like this?’ The woman is really your counter weight. Her awkwardness is in proportion to the degree of your faults. So this is all vyavasthit, do I not tell you this? Questioner : It seems that everyone has come to sort me out and shape me up! Dadashri : You need to shape up. The world cannot function without people shaping up, can it? If you do not shape up, how will you become a father? Shape up and then you can become a father. Woman’s Divine Energy That is why women are not at fault, women have the energies of divine beings. There is a soul in women and men, but only the outer packing is different. The differences lie only in the packing. A woman is an effect of a kind; this effect has an effect on the soul within. This effect must not affect you. Women represent energy. Women have done well in high government positions in India. If