Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 126

Life Without Conflict 109
Dadashri : If you apply the agna of vyavasthit , then there will be no problems . If you do , you will not have any questions . When your husband comes home , get his dinner ready and call him down to eat , do not try to change his prakruti . His prakruti you were aware of when you chose him to be your husband , has to be observed till the end . Did you not know what his prakruti was like from the very beginning ? You should have left him from the beginning , why did you allow yourself to be ruined more ?
There is no benefit to be gained in your worldly life through nagging ; you will only incur a loss . To nag is to quarrel . That is why God has called it a ‘ kashaya ’.
As problems increase between the two of you , you will start to fall apart . Once the problem is solved , you will not separate . There is sorrow in separation , and besides everyone has problems , you two are not an exception . Problems are inevitable in every marriage .
Quarrels will continue because of past karmas and as they come into effect , but at least stop your negative talking . Keep your personal problems to yourself ; do not discuss them within or outside your home .
The Distinct Separation
Questioner : Our prakrutis may not improve but at least our worldly interactions ( vyavahar ) should .
Dadashri : People do not know how to conduct their vyavahar ( worldly interactions ) at all . If they had the knowledge , for even half an hour , it would be plenty . No one has understood worldly interactions . What is the definition of ‘ worldly interactions ’? Superficial . The real definition of worldly interactions is that it is not real . It is only superficial ! People have believed it to be real . The reality of this worldly life is