Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 110

Life Without Conflict 93
him , then you have to divide them and if you have divided , then you should multiply equally .
I am teaching you to multiply and divide , in order to close all of your worldly accounts . If the other person is dividing then you should multiply in order to zero out the account . If you keep accusing the other person in your mind , then that in itself is a fault on your part . If you are walking along and bump into a wall , why do you not get angry at the wall and blame the wall ? Why do we call trees inanimate ? Anyone that hurts you is like a tree ! If a cow treads on your foot , do you complain about it ? So it is the same when people clash with you . Why does the Gnani Purush forgive everyone ? It is because he knows that people are like the trees ; some do not have the understanding . Those who do understand , do not need to be told anything ; they immediately do pratikraman .
You should never see any faults in the other person because when you do , you ruin your worldly life . You have to keep seeing your own faults . You have to understand and accept that everything you encounter in this life is the effect of your own past actions and therefore , no more needs to be said .
Some families make accusations against each other , “ You are like this , you are that ,” even as they share their meals and life together . This is how accounts of revenge are created and this is what perpetuates the worldly life . That is why I tell you to settle all claims with equanimity ; when you do , you stop all vengeance .
Worldly Happiness You Indulge In Entraps You Even Deeper
What sweetness is there in this world ? Is there any worldly sweetness that lasts ? If you eat too much , you will get indigestion and if you eat too little , it will leave you craving